Learning about hunter safety.

April 22, 2018

Learning about hunter safety.

By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

SHERMAN TOWNSHIP — Fifty-seven students, mostly kids, participated in a hunter safety class this weekend at the Fin & Feather Club of Mason County. The two day class included classroom work and practical shooting and techniques. Ages ranged from 8-years-old to someone in her ‘40s.

The class is made possible partially through a grant from the National Rifle Association, which helps pay for teaching rifles and other materials.

Coordinator Nita Finch said all the students passed the class. The class is required for minors to receive a hunting license from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

The next class will be held on Saturday, Aug. 11 and Sunday, Aug. 12 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days. Sign up will take place at Captain Chuck’s II, 5756 W. US 10, on Saturday, Aug. 4.

The Fin & Feather Club is the largest non-profit organization in Mason County with a membership of about 850 people. It is located at 3276 N. Darr Road.

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