Getting ready to jump in the Big Lake.
LUDINGTON — Kate Lietz and Sarah McMahan of the Lakeshore Food Club were testing out the weather conditions at Stearns Park beach Tuesday afternoon in preparation of the annual Lake Jump, which takes place Saturday, April 21 at 11 a.m. The Lakeshore Food Club is this year’s benefactor of the 19th annual jump.
Participants of all ages are invited to take a dip in the frigid waters of Lake Michigan. Jumpers can take the plunge on their own with a minimum pledge or form a team.
Traveling trophies and locally donated prizes will be presented to the individual, team, youth team and youth jumper who raise the most for this cause. Teams are welcome to put up a tent and hang a banner showing their support. Those who don’t want to jump can participate by pledging a cash donation on behalf of a jumper to benefit Lakeshore Food Club. The team that raises the most will be awarded the Team Challenge trophy, a locally donated prize and bragging rights for the rest of 2018.
To register online or for more information, visit or call the Lakeshore Food Club at (231) 480-4334. The jump is open to the public and all spectators are welcome free of charge.