51st Circuit Court sentencings, posted March 30, 2018.
By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.
LUDINGTON — The following were sentenced recently in 51st Circuit Court:

– Christopher Joseph Sekenske, 22, of 2041 N. Jebavy Dr., Hamlin Township, was found guilty Feb. 12 of third-degree home invasion and was sentenced March 20 to serve eight months up front of a one-year discretionary jail term, with credit for 46 days served; 18 months probation; no contact with the victim; $2,550.85 in restitution; and $658 in fines and costs. Work release must meet Mason County Sheriff’s Office guidelines. A felony charge of first-degree home invasion was dismissed, along with two misdemeanor charges of domestic violence and marijuana possession.

– Tara Lynn Bowers, 38, of 4679 E. First St., Custer Township, was found guilty Feb. 13 of unlawful use of a motor vehicle and operating while impaired and was sentenced March 20 to serve 45 days up front, with credit for 61 days served, of a 270-day discretionary jail term and a 93-day discretionary jail term; 18 months probation; and $808 in fines and costs. One count of unlawful driving away of a vehicle (car theft) was dismissed.

– Guadalupe Rangel, Jr., 43, of 303 S. Washington Ave., Ludington, was found guilty Jan. 2 of two counts of assaulting/resisting/obstructing police and was sentenced March 20 to serve 81 days up front, with credit for 81 days served, of a one-year discretionary term; two years probation; and $1,126 in fines and costs. Rangel must be on Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM) for six months at his own expense; must successfully complete all after-care; and receives day-for-day credit for successful completion of inpatient treatment. One count of second -offense habitual offender was dismissed.
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