Mason County Courthouse
79th District Court sentencings, posted Dec. 28, 2017.
By Alan Neushwander, Contributing Writer.
LUDINGTON — The following were recently sentenced in Mason County’s 79th District Court:
-Danyel Rebecca Horsley, 30, of 125 W. State St., Scottville, pleaded guilty December 20 to operating a vehicle while impaired by a controlled substance and driving while license suspended (DWLS). She was sentenced to 30 days in jail with credit for 30 days served; 93 days discretionary jail for two years; must attend victim’s impact panel; must attend AA two times per week for two years; no drugs/alcohol; subject to random PBTs and drug tests; must seek and maintain employment; must continue with current counseling program; and $1,595 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to Secretary of State (SOS).
-Miles David Isaiah Roberts, 26, of 184 N. Gordon Rd., Amber Township, pleaded guilty December 19 to second-offense operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) and was sentenced to 33 days in jail with credit for 30 days served; one year discretionary jail for two years; must attend victim’s impact weekend; must attend AA two times per week for two years; no drugs/alcohol; subject to random PBTs; must continue with current counseling program; and $1,620 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to SOS.
-David Morris Griffith, 56, of 521 Linden St., Big Rapids, pleaded guilty December 19 to OWI and was sentenced to one day in jail with credit for one day served; 30 days discretionary jail for one year; must attend victim’s impact panel; no drugs/alcohol; subject to random PBTs; must complete alcohol highway safety education; and $870 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to SOS. A charge of transporting an open intoxicant in a motor vehicle was dismissed.
-Andrea Lee Krause, 42, of 5456 Pine Creek Rd., Manistee, pleaded guilty December 19 to malicious destruction of personal property and was sentenced to 93 days discretionary jail for one year; no contact with the victim; no drugs/alcohol; subject to random PBTs; and $685 in fines/costs. A charge of larceny less than $200 was dismissed.
-Junouis Joseph Caldwell, 22, of 2810 Evergreen, Sears, Michigan, pleaded guilty December 19 to disorderly person jostling and was sentenced to two days in jail with credit for two days served; 90 days discretionary jail for one year; must have anger management evaluation; no contact with the victim; no drugs/alcohol; subject to random PBTs and drug tests; and $310 in fines/costs. Charges of possession of marijuana and assault and battery were dimissed.
-Lisa Ann Magmer, 56, of 8808 N. 126th Ave., Hart, pleaded guilty December 19 to disturbing the peace and was sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail for one year; no drugs/alcohol; and $285 in fines/costs.
-James Henry Price, 46, of 3874 River St., Fountain, pleaded guilty December 19 to trespassing and was sentenced to 30 days discretionary jail for one year and $605 in fines/costs. A charge of larceny between $200 to $1,000 was dismissed.
-Eric Lee Pokorny, 31, of 6350 N. 104th Ave., Apt. B, Hart, pleaded no contest December 19 to failure to report an accident and was sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail for one year; must have substance abuse evaluation; no drugs/alcohol; subject to random PBTs and drug tests; and $325 in fines/costs. A charge of second-offense DWLS was dismissed.
-Devin Kendal Carrasco, 40, of 718 E. Danaher St., Ludington, pleaded no contest December 19 to failure to report an accident and was sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail for one year and $325 in fines/costs. A charge of failure to maintain security (no vehicle insurance) was dismissed.