Animal control requesting fee increases.

December 6, 2017

Animal control requesting fee increases.

PERE MARQUETTE TOWNSHIP — Mason County Animal Control is asking the Mason County Board of Commissioners to increase certain fees. The fees being considered are:

  • Release fee, from $20 to $25.
  • Impound fees, from $15 citation to $25 citation.
  • Boarding fee, from $8 per day per animal to $10 per day per animal.
  • Euthanization fee, from $5 per animal to $10 per animal.
  • Cremation fee, from $20 per animal to $25 per animal.

During the county’s public safety and courts committee monthly meeting, animal control officer Joe Marion said that the fees would put Mason County more in line with fees charged by neighboring counties. For example, Manistee County’s impound fees are $30 for first time offense and $60 for subsequent violations. Lake County charges $20 and Oceana County charges $25.

The fee increases are on the agenda for action at December meeting of the board of commissioners, which meets on Tuesday, Dec. 12 at 7 p.m. at the courthouse.

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