Former Scottville man sentenced to up to 15 years in prison for sexual crime.

October 16, 2017


Former Scottville man sentenced to up to 15 years in prison for sexual crime.

By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

CADILLAC — Timothy Morton, formerly of Scottville was sentenced in Wexford County’s 28th Circuit Court today to a minimum of five years and a maximum of 15 years in prison today on the charges of criminal sexual conduct against a child between the ages of 13 to 16. The victim was a member of the defendant’s household. The crime took place over an eight year period, which included a time when Morton lived in Mason County.

Morton’s attorney Robert Hackett requested the court sentence Morton on the low end of the guideline range of 36 to 70 months based Morton not having any previous criminal history. Judge William Fagerman, however, followed the recommendations of the Wexford County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.

“I hope you participate in a treatment program that the Michigan Department of Corrections will give you,” Judge William Fagerman told Morton after handing down the sentence.

A letter written by the victim’s mother was read by a victim’s advocate. The mother said that she suffers from “complex post traumatic stress disorder” and walks around in a daze. Since February, 2017, she has lost her job, her apartment, and is “still trying to pick up the pieces of my life.”

Wexford County Prosecutor Jason J. Elmore said that the victim is transgender, a female who identifies as a male. He said he did not wish any disrespect but spoke about how he believes that the victim has gone through gender confusion because of the eight years of sexual abuse by Morton.

“I just want to apologize for any pain to anyone’s family that I caused,” Morton told the court. “I hope that people can eventually put their lives together and move on in healthy lives.”

Morton was initially charged with CSC first degree, a felony punishable by life in prison; CSC second degree, a felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison; aggravated indecent exposure, a high court misdemeanor punishable by up to two years imprisonment; and child abuse third degree, a felony punishable by up to two years imprisonment.

According to Elmore, the charges stemmed from allegations that Morton had engaged in sexual acts with a female minor in his household while living in Wexford County’s Cherry Grove Township.

“This result is thanks to the cooperation of the Michigan State Police detectives and forensic interviewers at the Traverse Bay Child Advocacy Center,” Elmore said in August.

In addition to the maximum of 15 years in prison, Morton will be required to mandatory registration on the state sexual offender list.

“Sexual assault is terrible enough.  It is worse when it committed in the home by a predatory parent,” said Elmore.

“The scars of sexual assault can last forever and resurface throughout a victim’s life.  These are scars most of us do not see and never know are there always there lurking behind a veil.”

“This result bring some closure to the victim and her family, but it certainly does not mean the impact will be forgotten.

“If you or anyone you know is or has been a victim of sexual assault, please contact authorities,” Elmore said. “There are programs, people, police, and prosecutors who want to help you.”

Elmore added that Morton and his wife are currently going through a divorce.

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