79th District Court Judge Peter Wadel
79th District Court sentencings, dismissals, posted July 13, 2017.
By Alan Neushwander, Contributing Writer.
LUDINGTON — The following were recently sentenced in Mason County’s 79th District Court:
-Kim Thien Luc, 27, of 4072 Primrose Pl. 24, Beavercreek, Ohio, pleaded guilty July 5 to trespassing and was sentenced to one day in jail with credit for one day served and $285 in fines/costs.
-Cody Martin Couturier, 32, of 604 S. Madison St., Ludington, pleaded guilty July 3 to disorderly person – public intoxication and was sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail for one year; 12 months of probation and $285 in fines/costs.
-Jose Antonio Cazarez-Hernandez, 42, of 524 Jackson Ave., Muskegon, pleaded guilty July to having an open intoxicant in a motor vehicle and was sentenced to one day in jail with credit for one day served and $265 in fines/costs.
-Elaine Jo Crawford, 23, of 6919 E. US 10, Branch Township, pleaded guilty July 6 to letting a dog run loose and was sentenced to pay $160 in fines/costs.
-Jessica Jean Houghton, 29, of 606 E. Ludington Ave., Apt. 3, had two counts of larceny less than $200 dismissed on July 6 after entering into a prosecutor’s deferment agreement.
-Victoria Ann Marcin, 63, of 410 Thornwild, Apt. B3, Scottville, had a charge of operating a vehicle without security (no insurance) dismissed on July 6 after she corrected the situation.
Dakota Isiah Ramirez, 23, of 3677 S. Pere Marquette Hwy., Lot 14, Summit Township, had a charge of operating a vehicle without security (no insurance) dismissed on July 6 after pleading guilty to a lesser charge.