79th District Court Judge Peter Wadel
District Court Sentencings posted March 24, 2017.
By Alan Neushwander. Contributing Writer.
The following were recently sentenced in 79th District Court:
-Sophia Jeanne Johnson, 29, of 604 N. Harrison St., Ludington, pleaded guilty Mar. 14 to impaired driving and was sentenced to one day in jail with credit for one day served; 93 days discretionary jail for one year; must attend victim’s impact panel; no drugs/alcohol; subject to random PBTs and drug tests; must complete current outpatient counseling; and $870 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to Secretary of State (SOS). A charge of operating with a blood alcohol content of over .17 was dismissed.
-Charles Wade Anderson, 39, of 1027 N. Ferry St., Ludington, pleaded guilty Mar. 14 to operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) and was sentenced to one day in jail with credit for one day served; 93 days discretionary jail for one year; must attend victim’s impact panel; no drugs/alcohol; subject to random PBTs and drug tests; must complete alcohol highway safety education and $1,070 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to SOS.
-Curtis James Tomasik, 33, of 18658 Seminole, Redford, Mich., pleaded guilty Mar. 14 to OWI and was sentenced to 31 days in jail with credit for one day served; 93 days discretionary jail for one year; must attend victim’s impact panel; no drugs/alcohol; subject to random PBTs and drug tests; and $1,070 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to SOS.
-Marigo Lynn Griffin, 33, of 1057 Lancer Lane, Lot 17, Pere Marquette Township, pleaded guilty Mar. 14 to impaired driving and was sentenced to 55 days in jail with credit for 25 days served; 93 days discretionary jail for two years; must attend victim’s impact panel; no drugs/alcohol; subject to random PBTs and drug tests; and $1,360 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to SOS.
-Randy Lee Garcia, Jr., 44, of 1221 Lynn St., Bear Lake, pleaded guilty Mar. 14 to disorderly person – jostling and was sentenced to 28 days in jail with credit for 28 days served; 90 days discretionary jail for two years; no drugs/alcohol; subject to random PBTs and drug tests; must attend AA two times per week for two years; must obtain outpatient counseling; and $285 in fines/costs. A charge of second-offense domestic violence was dismissed.
-Stephen John Silvers, 29, of 3767 N. Shadybrooke Ln., Victory Township, pleaded guilty Mar. 14 to impaired driving and was sentenced to two days in jail with credit for two days served; 93 days discretionary jail for one year; must attend victim’s impact panel; no drugs/alcohol; must complete alcohol highway safety education; and $870 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to SOS. A charge of possession of marijuana was dismissed.
-Raul Mendez Lopez, 33, of 5120 S. 180th Ave., Hesperia, pleaded guilty Mar. 16 to driving while unlicensed and was sentenced to 30 days discretionary jail for one year; 12 months of probation; and $275 in fines/costs.
-Travis Ira Bue, 26, of 11462 42nd St., Clear Lake, Minnesota, had a charge of possession of less than 25 grams of a controlled substance dismissed without prejudice on Mar. 14. According to court records, “Laboratory results do not confirm that the substance possessed by the defendant was, in fact, cocaine.”