79th District Court sentencings, dismissals.

December 16, 2016
79th District Court Judge Peter Wadel

79th District Court Judge Peter Wadel

79th District Court sentencings, dismissals.

#MasonCountyNews #CourtNews

By Alan Neushwander, Contributing Writer.

LUDINGTON — The following were recently sentenced in 79th District Court:

– Sara Suzanne Raybon, 37, of 2866 Sharon Ave. SW, Wyoming, pleaded guilty Dec. 12 to third-degree retail fraud (shoplifting) and was sentenced to 45 days in jail; 93 days discretionary jail for one year; must seek and maintain employment; and $672.85 in fines/costs/restitution. Sentence to run concurrently with sentencing in Kent County.

– Kenneth Alan Roberts, Jr., 29, of 24475 El Marco Dr., Farmington Hills, pleaded guilty Dec. 6 to operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) and was sentenced to 32 days in jail with credit for two days served; 93 days discretionary jail for two year; no drugs/alcohol; must attend victim’s impact panel; jail sentence will be revoked upon completion of victim’s impact panel; subject to random preliminary breath tests (PBTs); subject to random drug tests; must complete substance abuse counseling; two years probation; and $1,430 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to Secretary of State (SOS).

– Brennan Nicole Verhoeven, 46, of 8955 E. Ehler Rd., Sheridan Township, pleaded guilty Dec. 12 to OWI and was sentenced to two days in jail with credit for two days already served; 93 days discretionary jail for one year; no drugs/alcohol; must attend victim’s impact panel; must complete outpatient counseling; one year probation; and $1,135 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to SOS. A charge of operating with a blood alcohol level of more than .17 was dismissed.

– Justin David Argue, 29, of 3881 S. Darr Rd., Scottville, pleaded guilty Dec. 6 to attempted interfering with an electronic communications device and was sentenced to two days in jail with credit for two days served; one year discretionary jail for one year; must have substance abuse or mental health evaluation; no drugs/alcohol; subject to random PBTs; and $535 in fines/costs. A charge of assault and battery was dismissed.

– Floyd Jerome Straley, 66, of 6162 N. Loggers Lane, Hamlin Township, pleaded guilty Dec. 6 to OWI and was sentenced to two days in jail with credit for two days served; 93 days of discretionary jail for one year; must attend victim’s impact panel; no drugs/alcohol; must continue current substance abuse counseling; and $1,070 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to SOS. A charge of possession of a firearm while under the influence was dismissed.

– Tara Lynn Bowers, 36, of 4679 E. First St., Custer, pleaded guilty Dec. 6 to disorderly person/disturbing the peace and was sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail for one year; must attend an economic crime program; 20 hours of community service; and $665 in fines/costs. A charge of third-degree retail fraud was dismissed.

– Calvin Lamar Brooks, 39, of 1421 N. Lewis Ave., Gulfport, Mississippi, pleaded guilty Dec. 6 to transporting an open intoxicant in a motor vehicle and was sentenced to pay $265 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to SOS.

– Breanna Rose Collins, 19, of 3242 N. Piney Ridge Rd., Hamlin Township, pleaded guilty Dec. 12 to failure to report an accident and was sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail for one year; one year probation; and $325 in fines/costs.

– Ryan Anthony Foster, 38, of 1073 E. Forest Ave., Muskegon, pleaded guilty Dec. 8 to driving while license suspended (DWLS) and was sentenced to 93 days of discretionary jail for one year; one year probation; and $285 in fines/costs. Conviction is reportable to SOS.

– Paul Wayne Coughanour, 59, of 8144 E. Decker Rd., Sheridan Township, pleaded guilty Dec. 8 to using/loaning kill tag to another person and was sentenced to pay $250 in fines/costs.

– Joshua James Rogers, 29, of 5090 N. William St., Fountain, pleaded guilty Dec. 8 to failure to validate a deer kill and excess bait and was sentenced to pay $235 in fines/costs.

– Edward M. Kramer, 62, of 7300 E. Bradshaw Rd., Branch Township, pleaded guilty Dec. 8 to transporting/possession of an uncased bow/firearm in a vehicle and was sentenced to pay $255 in fines/costs.

– Joseph Michael Mapes, 60, of 1114 Wilder Rd., Bay City, pleaded guilty Dec. 8 to shining during November and was sentenced to pay $225 in fines/costs.

– Robert Stephen Opperman, 40, of 1107 Millard Ave., Royal Oak, pleaded guilty Dec. 8 to taking illegal deer and was sentenced to pay $2,485 in fines/costs, and all hunting privileges revoked through 2019.


– Nicholas Alexander Ream, 36, of 695 Kahill Dr., Apt. A2, Baldwin, had a charge of delivery/manufacturing a controlled substance dismissed Dec. 7 by Judge Peter Wadel. Bond is canceled and shall be returned after costs are deducted.

– Patrick David O’Brien, 52, of 3370 Nina Lane, Muskegon, had a charge of operating while license suspended dismissed without prejudice Dec. 8. According to court documents, “defendant pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.”

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