Trey with Curt and Diane VanderWall
Student writes in support of VanderWall.
Dear Editor,
My name is Trey Posma. I am 16-years-old and am a junior at Mason County Central High School. I am writing this letter to you to show my support for Curt Vanderwall as state representative. Even though I am not old enough to vote, I want the community to know what I know about Mr. VanderWall.
I have known Mr. VanderWall all of my life. He is a member of the same church as me and is a friend of my family. Mr. VanderWall is a very good person and is a Christian man. I have been involved in the 4-H program at the Western Michigan Fair for eight years and have seen Mr. and Mrs. VanderWall come to every fair every year to support the young people who participate, myself included, by purchasing livestock at the market sale. He was also one of the men who taught me hunter safety. Mr. VanderWall also owns his own business and cares about other small business owners.
I you want a state representative who is honest and truly cares about the people, Mr. Curt VanderWall is your man.
Thank you,
Trey Posma
Riverton Township