79th District Court sentencings, dismissals.

October 21, 2016

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79th District Court sentencings, dismissals.

By Alan Neushwander. Contributing Writer.

LUDINGTON — The following were recently sentenced in 79th District Court:

– Julio Rocha, 30, 5742 N. 126th Ave., Hart, pleaded guilty on October 10 to driving while license not valid and was sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail for one year, must not operate a vehicle until legally able to do so, and pay $225 in fines and costs. Conviction is reportable to Secretary of State. As part of a plea agreement, a charge of operating while license suspended/revoked/denied was dismissed by the prosecution.

– Raquel Cheri Peters, 42, 6533 E. South St., Branch Township, pleaded guilty on October 10 to allowing a person to drive in violation of the motor vehicle code and was sentenced to two days in jail with credit for two days already served, 90 days discretionary jail for one year, 12 months of probation, and $335 in fines and costs. As part of a plea agreement, a charge of operating while license suspended/revoked/denied was dismissed by the prosecution.

– Daniel Lee Bothwell, 39, 109 Dowland St., Ludington, pleaded no contest on October 10 to disorderly person disturbing the peace and was sentenced to two days in jail with credit for two days already served, 90 days discretionary jail for one year, 12 months of probation, and $285 in fines and costs. As part of a plea agreement, a charge of domestic violence was dismissed by the prosecution.

– Moriah Joy Salisbury, 21, 8336 N. West St., Free Soil, pleaded guilty on October 13 to failure to report an accident and was sentenced to pay $325 in fines and costs.

– Brinton Fred Riggs, 25, 544 W. 48th St., Shelby, pleaded guilty on October 13 to disorderly person – urinating in public and was sentenced to 90 days discretionary jail for one year, no drugs/alcohol, 12 months of probation, and $285 in fines and costs.

– John James Buchanan, 50, 4187 Ponderosa Dr., Door, Michigan, pleaded guilty on October 13 to fishing without a license and was sentenced to pay $250 in fines and costs.

– Michael R. Moss, 30, 1301 W. Fletcher St., Apt. 315, Chicago, Illinois, pleaded guilty on October 13 to illegal fishing gear/retaining foul hooked fish and was sentenced to pay $220 in fines and costs.

– Brandon Elwyn Lee Beno, 24, 1145 Dean Rd., Tekonsha, Michigan, pleaded guilty on October 17 to illegal fishing gear/retaining foul hooked fish and was sentenced to pay $220 in fines and costs.

– Brendan Geriard Hasson, 46, 3746 Honors Way, Howell, Michigan, pleaded guilty on October 17 to snagging fish/illegally taking fish and was sentenced to pay $375 in fines and costs.


– Gregory Keith Fowler, 31, 2884 W. US 10, Baldwin, had a charge of operating a vehicle while license suspended/revoked/denied dismissed without prejudice on October 14. According to court records, “Defendant pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.”

– Jennifer Marie Weber, 37, 6014 E. Decker Rd., Sheridan Township, had a charge of third degree retail fraud dismissed without prejudice on October 14. According to court records, “Defendant has entered into a prosecutor’s deferment agreement. The ends of justice do not require further prosecution at this time.”

– Cory Allen Bradshaw, 23, 650 E. Madison Rd., Hart, had a charge of operating a vehicle without security (no vehicle insurance) dismissed on October 14. According to court records, “Defendant pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.”

-Brayden Zachery Ahlfeld, 21, 5233 N. Poplar Rd., Free Soil Township, had a charge of operating without security (no vehicle insurance) dismissed on October 14. According to court records, “Defendant pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.”

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