Mallie Stakenas and her mother, Stephanie.
#KidsOfCharacter #HouseOfFlavors
Editor’s Note: Today we begin a new series called Kids of Character, sponsored by House of Flavors restaurants of Ludington and Manistee. We will feature kids from Mason, Manistee, and Oceana counties who go out of their way to help others or just to be kind citizens. If you have a suggestion for us, please email editor@masoncountypress.com or text 231.757.3202. Each featured Kid of Character will receive a free ice sundae compliments of House of Flavors.
By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.
SCOTTVILLE — Mallorie Stakenas recently celebrated her 7th birthday with some of her friends. This year, Mallorie, also called Mallie, the daughter of Steve and Stephanie Stakenas, decided to ask party guests not to give her toys but instead to bring a new or gently used book to the party.
“We were able to read them and if she decided to keep one, we swapped a book she already had,” Stephanie says. They then brought in the extra books, 29 of them, to her Scottville Elementary first grade class, taught by Sara Morrow. The books are now part of the classroom collection.
“The kids were so excited to have the new books,” Morrow said, pointing to the basket of books that sits on the floor by the classroom’s bookshelves. “They were especially excited knowing the books came from Mallie.” Each of the books from Mallie have her signature inscribed on the first page.
Mallie says her favorite part of the gifts was reading the books but she also enjoyed being able to share them with her friends.
“She loves to give things to people,” Stephanie says. “I’m so proud of her.”