Circuit court sentencings include drug delivery, drunk driving.

September 30, 2016


By Alan Neushwander.  Contributing writer.

The following were recently sentenced in 51st Circuit Court:

  • Lindsey Lee Towns, 26, 4847 Sumach, Hamlin Township, pleaded guilty on July 19 to a felony charge of delivering a controlled substance.  She was sentenced to 270 days in jail with credit for 124 already served, must serve five months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion, 18 months of probation, license suspended for 30 days and restricted for 150 days, and $658 in fines and costs.
  • Lauren Charlene Spinner, 25, 2516 N. US 31, Sherman Township, pleaded guilty on July to a felony charge of possession of a non-narcotic controlled substance and was sentenced to 180 days in jail with credit for 87 days already served, must serve four months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion, 24 months of probation, license suspended for 30 days and restricted for 150 days, and $658 in fines and costs.
  • Paul Freeman Pemberton, Jr., 56, 403 N. William St., Apt. 2, Ludington, pleaded guilty on August 3 to a felony charge of operating while under the influence of liquor (OWIL) third offense and a misdemeanor charge of operating under the influence of liquor.  He was sentenced to 270 days in jail with credit for two days already served, must serve three months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion, 60 days of community service, vehicle immobilization for one year, 18 months of probation, and $1,108 in fines and costs.  Conviction is reportable to Secretary of State.

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