#MasonCountyNews #MasonCountyCourtNews.
By Alan Neushwander. Contributing Writer.
LUDINGTON — The following were recently arraigned in 79th District Court:
Lloyd Joseph Burden, 23, 3612 N. Stiles Rd., Victory Township, was arrested September 10 by MCSO on felony charges of assault/resisting/obstructing police and operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) second-offense. Preliminary hearing: September 28 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $7,500/10 percent.
- Jerry Lynn Martin, 62, 4048 N. US 31, Sherman Township, was arrested September 14 by the Scottville Police Department (SPD) on felony charges of assault/resisting/obstructing police, operating with a high blood alcohol content and operating while intoxicated (OWI). Preliminary hearing: October 5 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $5,000 personal.
Samuel Morse
Samuel Donald Morse, 46, 2023 N. Benson Rd., Sheridan Township, was arrested September 11 by the Mason County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) on felony charges of assault/resisting/obstructing police and habitual offender fourth-offense. Preliminary hearing: September 28 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $7,500/10 percent.
- Robert George Castonia, III, 18, 606 N. Harrison St., Ludington, was arrested September 7 by Michigan State Police (MSP) on felony charges of receiving and concealing stolen firearms and delivery of a controlled substance (marijuana). Preliminary hearing: September 28 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $7,500/10 percent.
-Ernest William Ryan; 65; 103 N. Reinberg St; Scottville; September 11; MCSO; driving while license suspended (DWLS) and operating without a license. Pretrial: October 3 at 11:45 a.m. Bail: $1,500 personal.
-Kevin Lee Plasterer; 42; no address listed; September 10; Ludington Police Department (LPD); domestic violence. Pretrial: October 3 at 1:30 p.m. Bail: $5,000/10 percent.
-Timothy Dale Ferguson; 49; 3797 W. Colburn Rd; Victory Township; September 11; MSP; operating with a high blood alcohol content and OWI. Pretrial: October 24 at 1:30 p.m. Bail: $5,000/10 percent.
-David Brian Richmond; 27; 403 S. Madison St; Ludington; September 7; LPD; domestic violence. Pretrial: October 3 at 9:30 a.m. Bail: $2,500/10 percent.
-John Ener Miller; 61; 1525 S. Countyline Rd, Lot 35; Manistee; September 8; MSP; breaking and entering. Pretrial: September 26 at 2:15 p.m. Bail: $1,500 personal.
-James Anthony Converse; 26; 7676 W. 4 Mile Road; Hesperia; September 8; MSP; possession of marijuana. Pretrial: October 3 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $2,500 personal.
-Richard Kenneth Ferris; 52; 505 E. Fifth St; Ludington; September 1; LPD; DWLS. Pretrial: September 26 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $1,500 personal.
-Leia Joy Grant; 24; 1082 Pineway; Ludington; September 8; LPD; selling/furnishing alcohol to a minor. Pretrial: October 3 at 11:30 a.m. Bail: $1,500 personal.
-Caylah Jean Funk; 25; 545 Abbey St., Apt. D; Muskegon; September 8; LPD; possession of marijuana. Pretrial: October 3 at 9:45 a.m. Bail: $2,500 personal.
-Tamara Delynn Yeargan; 46; 602 E. Melendy St; Ludington; September 8; MCSO; OWI. Pretrial: September 26 at 1:30 p.m. Bail: $2,500/10 percent.
-Cory Allen Bradshaw; 23; 650 E. Madison Rd; Hart; September 15; MSP; failure to maintain security (no insurance). Pretrial: October 3 at 2:45 p.m. Bail: $1,500 personal.