#MasonCountyNews #MasonCountyCourtNews
By Alan Neushwander. Contributing Writer.
LUDINGTON — The following were recently arraigned in 79th District Court:

-Ramon Munoz, 32, 204 E. Foster St., Ludington, was arrested August 21 by the Ludington Police Department (LPD) on felony charges of assault by strangulation and domestic violence. Preliminary hearing: September 7 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $7,500/10 percent.

-Edgar Joel Arambula, 19, 811 N. Lavinia St., Ludington, was arrested August 22 by LPD on a felony charge of larceny from a motor vehicle. Preliminary hearing: September 7 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $5,000/10 percent.
-Gina Gayle Sowa-Pratt, 18, 409 3rd St., Ludington, August 6, LPD, possession of marijuana. Pretrial: September 12 at 1:45 p.m. Bail: $2,500 personal.
-Collin Derek Trim, 20, 805 E. Melendy St., Ludington, August 21, Scottville Police Department (SPD), assault and battery and minor in possession of alcohol. Pretrial: September 12 at 9 a.m. Bail: $2,500/10 percent.
-Bruce Wells Richardson, 61, 5651 W. Pleasant Hill Rd, Hamlin Township, August 28, Mason County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO), operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI) . Pretrial: September 26 at 10:45 a.m. Bail: $2,500/10 percent.
-Stacey Lynn Black, 52, 504 E. Dowland St., Ludington, August 20, LPD, OWI. Pretrial: October 10 at 1:30 p.m. Bail: $5,000/10 percent.
-Jonathan Wayne Hayne, 40, 1092 Brandy Ln., Ludington, August 23, LPD, OWI. Pretrial: September 19 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $2,500/10 percent.
-Bradley Alan Mann, 23, 119 Catherine, Battle Creek, August 21, MCSO, OWI. Pretrial: September 26 at 9:45 a.m. Bail: $2,500/10 percent.
-Brayden Zachery Ahlfeld, 21, 210 N. Main St., Scottville, August 25, Michigan State Police (MSP), failure to maintain security (no insurance) and operating a vehicle without a license. Pretrial: September 19 at 11:30 a.m. Bail: $1,500 personal.