#MasonCountyNews #MasonCountyCourtNews
By Alan Neushwander. Contributing Writer.
LUDINGTON — The following were recently sentenced in 51st Circuit Court:
Joseph Lynn Yennior, Jr., 26, Mason County Jail, pleaded guilty on June 22 to failure to comply with the sex offender registry and was sentenced to 365 days in jail with credit for 68 days already served, must serve four months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion, 18 months of probation, and $658 in fines and costs. As part of a plea agreement, the prosecutor dropped charges of failure to register as a sex offender and habitual offender third offense.
Douglas Andrew Wilson, 54, 4705 E. Fisher Rd., Sherman Township, pleaded guilty on June 14 to failure to register as a sex offender third offense and was sentenced to 365 days in jail with credit for 124 days already served, must serve nine months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion, 18 months of probation, and $458 in fines and costs.
Traci Liane Ross, 41, 415 S. Dryden St., Hart, pleaded guilty on June 13 to embezzlement by an agent $1,000 to $20,000 and was sentenced to 365 days in jail with credit for one day already served, must serve 30 days up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion, 24 months of probation, must may $12,000 in restitution to the victim, and $658 in fines and costs.
Steven Geno Rice, III, Central Michigan Correctional Facility, pleaded guilty on June 15 to breaking and entering to a building with intent and habitual offender second offense. He was sentenced to spend 20 months to 15 years in prison. He must also pay $1,130 in restitution and $198 in fines and costs. As part of a plea agreement, the prosecutor dropped charges of second degree home invasion.
Andrew Chance
Andrew Jon Chance, 37, 356 Oakwood Rd., Pere Marquette Township, pleaded guilty on June 14 to delivery/manufacturing a controlled substance and maintaining a drug house. He was sentenced to 365 days in jail with credit for four days already served, must serve 180 days on a tether with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion, 18 months of probation, $726 in fines and costs, and driver’s license suspended for 30 days and revoked for 150 days. As part of a plea agreement, the prosecutor dropped charges of possession of a controlled substance, weapons/ammunition possession, habitual offender second offense and an additional charge of delivery/manufacturing a controlled substance.
Timothy Carl Taylor, 37, 3930 E. Main St., Fountain, pleaded guilty on June 14 to operating under the influence of alcohol, third offense and possession of marijuana. He was sentenced to 365 days in jail with credit for four days already served, must serve three months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion, 18 months of probation, and $1,158 in fines and costs. Conviction is reportable to Secretary of State. As part of a plea agreement, the prosecutor dropped a charge of operating while license suspended, second offense.
Roger Dean Newton, 31, 4031 Princeton Way, Baldwin, pleaded no contest to interfering with an electronic communications device and guilty to domestic violence on May 10. He was sentenced to 365 days in jail with credit for two days already served, must serve four months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion, 24 months of probation, and $658 in fines and costs. As part of a plea agreement, the prosecutor dropped charges of assault with a weapon and felony firearms.

- Vernon Jeffrey Hill, 51, 3675 N. Lincoln Rd., Hamlin Township, pleaded guilty on June 15 to possession of methamphetamine and was sentenced to 365 days in jail with credit for one day already served, must serve four months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion, 24 months of probation, $658 in fines and costs, and driver’s license suspended for 30 days and revoked for 150 days. As part of a plea agreement, the prosecutor dropped charges of possession of marijuana.
Kyle Rawson
Kyle Michael Rawson, 33, 706 Valley View Dr., Apt. 5, Ionia, pleaded guilty on March 11 to manufacturing a controlled substance, second offense and was sentenced to spend up to four years in prison with a minimum sentence of two years, one month and 15 days. He was given credit for 403 days already served in jail. He must also pay $1,070 in restitution and $319 in fines and costs.