#MasonCountyNews #MasonCountyCourtNews
By Alan Neushwander. Contributing Writer.
LUDINGTON — The following were recently sentenced in 51st Circuit Court:

- David Robert Southern, 37, 307 5th Ave., Manistee, pleaded guilty on June 15 to larceny from a building and was sentenced to 365 days in jail with credit for 89 days already served, must serve four months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion, $658 in fines and costs, and 36 months of probation.
Cara Antoinette Monton, 18, 3374 S. Tuttle Rd., Eden Township, pleaded guilty on June 7 to tampering with an electronic monitoring device and was sentenced to 330 days in jail with credit for 68 days already served, must serve 68 days up front (already served) with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion, $658 in fines and costs, and 24 months of probation.