#MasonCountyEntertainment #Scottville
SCOTTVILLE — “Star Wars”, fire trucks, police cars, live music and more! That’s what’s happening at the Scottville Clown Band Shell tonight beginning at 6:30 p.m. for the second in a three part series of family fun evenings.
From 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. local emergency vehicles will be on display in the Scottville Optimist Club and West Shore Bank parking lots. The Scottville Optimist Club will be selling hot dogs, bratwursts, popcorn, cotton candy and beverages.

Emma and Mallie
The music duo Emma and Mallie will perform on the band shell beginning at 7 p.m.
At 8 p.m. the Scottville Optimist Club will be presenting its Local Heroes Awards, honoring a local firefighter, police officer and emergency medical first responder. The awards will go to Dale Larr, Jason Williams and Jim Herrema.
Scottville Fire Chief Dale Larr, who started on the fire department in 1986, has been selected as the Scottville Optimist Club 2016 Firefighter of the Year. Dale has served 10 years as the department’s chief.
Scottville Police Department Sgt. Jason Williams was chosen as the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. Williams began his law enforcement career as a police officer in the US Air Force for four years. In May 1999 he was hired by Scottville Police Department.

Scottville Fire Chief Dale Larr
Jim Herrema was chosen as the 2016 Medical First Responder of the Year. He joined the Custer Fire Department in 1992 and has served many positions in the department since. He also served as the administrator of the Mason County Rural Fire Authority. He has been an emergency medical technician-paramedic since 1994, starting his career with Memorial Medical Center and transitioning to Life EMS when it took over the county’s ambulance service in 2006. For the past eight years Jim has been a supervisor for Life EMS.

Jim Herrema
The grand finale of the evening will be the free outdoor showing of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” presented by Smith & Eddy Insurance. The movie will begin at dusk, about 9:20 p.m.
The Scottville Clown Band Shell was built in 1989 and is a joint operation between the Scottville Optimist Club and the Scottville Clown Band. Major sponsors include West Shore Bank, Smith & Eddy Insurance, Mason County Central Education Foundation, Great Lakes Energy and Mason County Press.