#MasonCountyNews #CourtNews
By Alan Neushwander. Contributing Writer.
LUDINGTON — The following were sentenced recently in 51st Circuit Court:

– Arturo Ruiz Lopez, 59, 605 S. Washington Ave., Ludington, was sentenced June 21 to serve seven to 15 in years in prison for third-degree criminal sexual conduct – person age 13-15 – and second-degree criminal sexual conduct – person under age 13. He was also ordered to pay $456 in fines and costs and must comply with lifetime electronic monitoring. As part of a plea agreement, three counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct – person under age 13 – and an additional count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct – person age 13-15 – were dismissed.

Jarred Walkley
– Mitchel Jarred Walkley, 26, 603 E. Melendy St., Apt. 1, Ludington, was sentenced June 21 to three to 20 years in prison on charges operating/maintaining a lab involving methamphetamine and controlled substance-possession of methamphetamine. He was also ordered to pay $326 in fines and costs. As part of a plea agreement, the prosecutor dropped an additional charge of operating/maintaining a lab involving methamphetamine and a charge of delivery/manufacturing methamphetamine.

– Alan Glenn Ross, 56, 206 E. Danaher St., Apt. 3, Ludington, was sentenced June 21 to 365 days in jail with credit for 10 days already served on charges of assaulting/resisting/obstructing a police officer. He must serve 60 days up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion; 60 days alcohol monitoring; $658 in fines and costs; and 12 months of probation. If probation is completed successfully, the plea may be withdrawn and he may plead to attempting resisting and obstructing.

– Cathleen Margaret Paul, 58, 4340 W. Hansen Rd., Amber Township, was sentenced June 21 to 365 days in jail with credit for two days already served on charges of assaulting/resisting/obstructing a police officer and operating under the influence of liquor (OUIL). She must serve two months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion; 60 days electronic monitoring; $808 in fines and costs; conviction reportable to Secretary of State; and 12 months of probation. If probation is completed successfully, the plea may be withdrawn and she may plead to attempting resisting and obstructing. As part of a plea agreement, the prosecutor dismissed an additional charge of assaulting/resisting/obstructing a police officer and malicious destruction of police property.

– Christopher Lee Baysinger, 38, 1044 Pineway, Ludington, was sentenced June 21 to 365 days in jail with credit for 63 days already served on charges of larceny from a building and controlled substance use – non-narcotic. He must serve seven months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion. As part of a plea agreement, the prosecutor dropped a charge of habitual offender, second offense.

– John Masse Russell, 53, 602 E. Melendy St., Ludington, was sentenced June 21 to 365 days in jail with credit for 166 days already served on charges of possession of a controlled substance less than 25 grams and habitual offender third offense. He must serve 10 months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion, will be placed on probation for 24 months, and must pay $598 in fines and costs. As part of a plea agreement, the prosecutor will not proceed with charges of maintaining a drug house.

– Dijon Lamar Grimes, 19, 19315 Bentler St., Detroit, was sentenced June 21 to 365 days in jail with credit for 15 days already served on charges of tobacco products tax act violation; stealing, taking, or removing financial transaction device; and identity theft. He must serve 10 months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion; will be placed on probation for 18 months; and must pay $3,305.13 in fines, costs and restitution. Restitution is joint and several with co-defendant. As part of a plea agreement, the prosecutor dropped four additional charges of stealing, taking, or removing financial transaction device and one charge of improperly transporting medical marijuana.