The court news is sponsored by Emelander Law Firm, PC, serving Oceana, Mason and Newaygo counties. Office: 231.303.5005; Cell: 231.303.0905.
By Allison Scarbrough. Courts/Police Editor.
LUDINGTON — The following were sentenced recently in 51st Circuit Court:

– Joban Loy Scott, 35, of 1118 Plaine Field Rd., Westmont, Illinois, was found guilty Feb. 16 of stalking and sentenced April 5 to serve seven months up front of a one-year discretionary jail term with credit for 99 days served; five years probation; no contact with victim; and $658 in fines and costs. One count of using a computer to commit a crime was dismissed.

– Bradford Richard Lamb, 38, of 415 S. James St., Apt. 1, Ludington, was found guilty Feb. 16 of attempted false report a felony and sentenced April 5 to serve five months up front of a one-year discretionary jail term; two years probation; and $658 in fines and costs. Work release must meet Mason County Sheriff’s Office guidelines. One count of false report of a felony and fourth-offense habitual offender designation were dismissed.

– Melissa Anne Brand-Ray, 50, of 2569 W. Kinney Rd., Riverton Township, was found guilty Feb. 9 of larceny in a building and sentenced April 5 to serve 45 days up front of a one-year discretionary jail term with credit for two days served; one year probation; and $658 in fines and costs. One count of second-degree home invasion dismissed.

– Valentine Alejandro Segura, 19, of 611 E. Dowland St., Ludington, was found guilty Feb. 9 of delivery of marijuana and larceny in a building and was sentenced April 5 to 270 days in jail with credit for 136 days served; $666 in fines and costs; and driver’s license suspended six months/restricted after 30 days. Sentence runs concurrently to Oceana County prison sentence. One count of breaking and entering a building with intent was dismissed.

– Isaac James Finley, 31, of 109 E. Foster St., Ludington, was found guilty Feb. 10 of possession of narcotic or cocaine less than 25 grams and third-offense habitual offender and was sentenced April 5 to serve one year in jail consecutive to a parole violation sentence; driver’s license suspended six months/restricted after 30 days; and $658 in fines and costs. One count of possession of marijuana and fourth-offense habitual offender designation dismissed.