Bradford Lamb
By Allison Scarbrough. Courts/Police Editor.
LUDINGTON — A 38-year-old Ludington man was sentenced to serve five months up front of a one-year discretionary jail term in 51st Circuit Court Tuesday, April 5, for a conviction of attempted false report of a felony.
Bradford Richard Lamb, of 415 S. James St., Apt. 1, was arrested last January by the Ludington Police Department in what Mason County Prosecutor Paul Spaniola described as a “perplexing” incident.
Lamb’s attorney, David Glancy, requested that Judge Susan Sniegowski put his client on a GPS tether as opposed to sending him to jail, because Lamb’s wife is currently hospitalized in intensive care with serious health problems. Lamb also asked if he sentence could be deferred until his wife is released from hospitalization.
“It makes more sense to do your jail time now while she’s in treatment, and then you can be home while she’s recovering,” Sniegowski said.
The judge also ordered two years probation. Lamb, who has no jail credit for time already served, was ordered to report to jail this Friday night, April 8, and work release is authorized if it meets the standards of the Mason County Sheriff’s Office.
Spaniola said Lamb has an extensive criminal history, including convictions of assault with intent to commit murder and bank robbery.
“He served a substantial amount of time in prison,” Spaniola said.