Crystal Young of West Shore Community College
By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.
SCOTTVILLE — As times change, generations also change, which means work practices must also be adjusted. Many employers find hiring the “Millennial” generation a challenge. A millennial, also known as Generation Y, is defined as a person who was born from the early 1980s to the 2000s.. This generation grew up in the digital age and often offers a unique and fresh perspective to leadership.
Employing Millennials will be the topic of the next gathering of The Scottville Connection, which meets Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 7:30 a.m. at Smith & Eddy Insurance, 201 S. Main St. The program is sponsored by Smith & Eddy Insurance and will feature a light breakfast.
Crystal Young, Director of the West Shore Community College Business Opportunity Center, will be the guest speaker.
“Each generation is influenced by a series of events and trends,” Young said. “Millennials in the workforce move fast, desire flexibility, and are extremely tech-savvy. Many employers are frustrated with the perception that Millennials do not take initiative, but it all boils down to communication.
“Everyone must do a better job of managing expectations, and by doing so, can draw out the full potential of an employee. Due to the connected world we live in, Millennials do not believe they have to ‘go to work,’ they can work anywhere. There are many success stories to back up this frame of mind. However, this goes against the Traditionalist and Boomer generations mindset of physically being in a location for eight hours to complete a job.”
The Scottville Connection is a networking group that exists to promote business growth in the Scottville area by helping the business community adapt to modern practices. Anyone is welcome at the programs, and there is no charge. The group is sponsored by Mason County Press and Cole’s Antiques Villa.
Crystal Young was born and raised in Mason County. She is a graduate of Mason County Central High School and graduated from Ferris State University in 2005 with a bachelor’s degree and spent the first nine years of her career in Burlington, Vermont. She moved back to the area with her husband in 2013 and started her position as the Director of the Business Opportunity Center at West Shore Community College in Spring of 2015. With a gamut of experience in manufacturing, training, sales and marketing, Young said she is excited to have the opportunity to assist business and industry in a place she loves.