Elsie Morton
By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.
CUSTER TOWNSHIP — Not many people think of this area of Michigan as wine country. But, travel on Wilson Road, east of Scottville Road, and you will find a vineyard on a rolling hill. This is Elsie Morton’s getaway. A place for her to escape, breathing fresh air and enjoying the outdoors. The vineyard at 1.5 acres may be small but its rewards are big for Elsie and her husband of 25 years, Wesley.
“I love seeing the fruit of all our labor,” Elsie says. “It is exciting watching the vines in the different stages of growth and awesome when the grapes start turning color and reaching maturity. They also give me peace of mind and plenty of exercise.”
Peace of mind is the same philosophy Elsie takes with her to work every day at Smith & Eddy Insurance in Scottville. She has worked as an agent and customer service representative for Smith & Eddy for four years and for Villadsen Insurance for 23 years prior before that agency merged with Smith & Eddy.
“I enjoy the day to day interaction with the customers,” she says. “I like doing my best to make sure they have the right coverage for their specific needs. Every day is different and can be a good challenge in the insurance world.”
Elsie also stays involved with the community by volunteering in the Scottville Optimist Club, especially the club’s popcorn wagon at Tuesday night Scottville Clown Band Shell concerts and movies. She helps out with the club’s annual kids’ Christmas party, its yard sale fund raisers and many other activities.
“I’m not as active as I would like to be but I help out when time allows. I believe being involved in our community is what makes living in a small town unique.”
Elsie grew up in Oceana County’s Elbridge Township and graduated from Hart High School. She attended West Shore Community College where she majored in secretarial studies. She and Wesley have two adult children: Ian, 23, and Magnolia, 21.
Contact Smith & Eddy: www.smith-eddy.com
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