By Allison Scarbrough. Contributing Editor.
LUDINGTON — The following were sentenced recently in 51st Circuit Court:

– Tyler Adam Martinsen, 23, of 2328 32nd St., Sheridan Township, was found guilty of probation violation and sentenced Dec. 14 to one year on a tether and $483 in fines and costs. His probation stems from July 18, 2013 conviction of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct (CSC) – incapacitated victim. Term runs concurrent with another criminal file.
– William Craig Buchanan, II, 29, of 7736 W. Fox Rd., Mears, was found guilty of probation violation and sentenced Dec. 15 to one year and six months to five years in prison with credit for 269 days in jail; $7,627.66 in restitution; and $698 in fines and costs. His probation stems from March 3, 2013 convictions of unlawful driving away of an automobile (UDAA) and second-offense driving while license suspended (DWLS).

– Elizabeth Marie Whitaker, 29, of 5731 W. Limouze St., Pere Marquette Township, was found guilty of probation violation and sentenced Dec. 15 to two to 15 years in prison with credit for 365 days served in jail and $548 in fines and costs. Her probation is revoked. Her probation stems from an Oct. 8, 2013 conviction of operating/maintaining a lab involving methamphetamine. Whitaker was also found guilty Oct. 20 of perjury – court proceeding. She was sentenced Dec. 15 to two to 15 years in prison with credit for five days served and $258 in fines and costs. The two terms run concurrently. Her second-offense habitual offender designation was dismissed.

– Jenna Diane Myers, 22, of 4631 W. Deren Rd., Riverton Township, was found guilty of probation violation and sentenced Dec. 15 to one year and one day to four years in prison with credit for 240 days served in jail and $498 in fines and costs. Her probation stems from a Feb. 3, 2015 conviction of possession of narcotic or cocaine less than 25 grams. Myers was also found guilty Oct. 20 of second-offense possession of analogues and sentenced Dec. 15 one year and one day to four years in prison with credit for 50 days served and $258 in fines and costs. One count of second-offense possession of marijuana was dismissed. Both terms run concurrently.

– Vincent Louis Grassa, 43, of 1817 W. Conrad Rd., Amber Township, was found guilty Oct. 26 of delivery of marijuana. He was sentenced Dec. 15 to 270 days in jail with credit for four days served; serve four months up front with the balance to be served at the court’s discretion; serve weekends for the first 30 days and then 90 days on Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM); two years probation; driver’s license suspended 30 days/restricted 150 days; and $738 in fines and costs.

– Kayleigh Lynn Clark, 26, of 308 ½ W. Court St., Ludington, was found guilty Oct. 20 of larceny less than $200 and sentenced Dec. 15 to 93 days in jail with credit for 132 days served and $525 in fines, costs and restitution. One count of larceny in a building and second-offense habitual offender designation were dismissed. She was also found guilty Oct. 20 of uttering and publishing and sentenced Dec. 15 to one year in jail with credit for 132 days served; serve 11 months up front with balance to be served at the court’s discretion; two years probation; and $986.92 in fines, costs and restitution. Second-offense habitual offender designation was dismissed. Both terms run concurrently.