Good Neighbor Tips. A blog by Erin Doan, Erin Doan State Farm Insurance, Scottville;
Dense fog can create dangerous conditions on the road. The safest thing to do is pull over into a parking area until the fog clears. If you must continue your trip, keep in mind these tips for driving in fog:
- Minimize distractions. Turn off your cell phone and the stereo.
- Reduce your speed. Because you can’t see the road or other vehicles, a low speed can help you react safely.
- Roll down your window to listen for cars.
- Use roadside reflectors as a guide. The markings can help you navigate twists and turns.
- Turn off cruise control for more control of your vehicle.
- Use windshield wipers and defrosters to limit excess moisture on the window.
- Drive with low beams and fog lights. High beams can worsen visibility because they reflect off the fog.
If you can pull over to a safe area, make sure to do the following:
- Use your turn signal. Other drivers may be using your taillights as a guide, so alert them that you’re pulling off the road.
- Pull off away from the road. If drivers can’t see the shoulder, they likely won’t see your vehicle either.
- Turn on your hazard lights to help other drivers know you’re stopped. Avoid using flashing lights while driving.