LUDINGTON — The Ludington Area Center for the Arts (LACA) will be filled with goblins, ghouls and music at the third annual Rocktober Night of Fright concert produced by Ludrock Music and Friends. The Night of Fright will be held in the LACA Performance Hall, Friday, October 30, 2015, 6 p.m. to midnight.
The funds raised each year from the Night of Fright event benefit upgrades to the LACA Performance Hall. The event is the creation of Ludrock President Ed Santarelli who saw an opportunity to create a fundraising event in addition to the summer Ludrock Music Festival, a two-day music event featuring several local performers, and a charity raffle. Funds raised at the summer music festival, scheduled for July 9 and 10, 2015, benefit many local charities and LACA has been a beneficiary since 2011.
The funds LACA receives from Ludrock are specifically earmarked to fund upgrades and improvements to the LACA Performance Hall. In the summer of 2015 Ludrock donated $8,000 to LACA from the summer music festival.
“We are so thankful to Ludrock for their ongoing support,” said LACA Executive Director Corinn VanWyck. “The funds raised by Ludrock have allowed LACA to make the Performance Hall more viable as a performance venue, which allows us to bring high quality performances to our community.”
The funds donated to LACA by both annual Ludrock events allow the arts center to leverage grant funding to double the impact of those dollars toward Performance Hall renovations. The Ludington Area Center for the Arts was recently awarded a $3,000 grant from The Community Foundation for Mason County for Performance Hall upgrades. The funds, in conjunction with the Ludrock donations, will be used to upgrade sound and lights in the venue
This year’s concert features Ms. Stone and the Rocks, Redline and Poor Boy Romance with special performances by Jimmy Dodson and Mike Luusua. The shows will air live on 94 K-ROCK FM with “The Boatman” as master of ceremonies. The event also features a costume contest, prizes, raffles. photo booth and a spooky walk. The family friendly event is sponsored by House of Flavors Restaurant. Cash bar featuring beer by Starving Artist Brewing Company. Food by the Ludington Area Jaycees. Ice cream by House of Flavors. Sound, lights and fog by Organized Chaos. Tickets at the door are $5.
“We are thankful to have Ludington Area Center for the Arts as partners and as friends. They have supported Ludrock from the very beginning. We share visions, dreams and the commitment to build a place where community is celebrated,” said Ludrock Santarelli.