Ludington woman sent to prison for probation violation faces delivery of heroin causing death charge in Muskegon County

September 15, 2015
Shalyn Raney with her attorney, David Glancy.

Shalyn Raney with her attorney, David Glancy.

By Allison Scarbrough. Contributing Editor.

LUDINGTON — A 27-year-old Ludington woman who was sentenced to a minimum of 18 months in prison for a probation violation conviction Tuesday, Sept. 15, in 51st Circuit Court is looking at serving a lengthier prison term for a charge of delivery of heroin causing death in Muskegon County.

Shalyn Dawn Raney was sentenced to 18 months to 10 years in prison with credit for 263 days served in jail. Her probation stems from a March 10 conviction of receiving and concealing guns.

“It’s absolutely devastating,” said Judge Susan Sniegowski of the Muskegon County case, stating that Raney “caused the death of another person and came close to causing the death of another person.”

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