Radiators, copper wire stolen

September 10, 2015

benedicts_springstead_police 091015The police news is sponsored by Benedict-Shilander Collision, now located at 5851 W. U.S. 10 behind Family Video; 231-843-4181 and Springstead Law Offices, with locations in Hart and Fremont, 231-873-4022 (Hart), www.springsteadlaw.

Local law enforcement activity Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2015 includes:

12:20 a.m., (Ludington Police Department), disturbance, 600 block N. Rowe St., City of Ludington.

1:09 a.m., (LPD), disturbance, 200 block S. James St., City of Ludington.

3:58 a.m., (Mason County Sheriff’s Office), alarm activation, South Landon Road, Branch Twp.

7:12 p.m., (MCSO), larceny, six to eight radiators were reportedly stolen from the caller’s property, 1000 block of West Hawley Road, Riverton Twp.

7:36 a.m., (MCSO), car/deer crash, no injuries, Darr and Marrison roads, Eden Twp.

8:35 a.m., (LPD), dog complaint, East Tinkham Avenue and North Staffon Street, City of Ludington.

1:55 p.m., (LPD), dog complaint, 200 block of East Melendy Street., City of Ludington.

3:15 p.m., (LPD), property damage accident, East Tinkham Avenue and North Washington Avenue, City of Ludington.

8:20 p.m., (MCSO), larceny from a building, several feet of copper wire were reportedly stolen from a residence, 6200 block of North Victory Corners, Victory Twp.

8:45 p.m., (MCSO), car/deer crash, no injuries, Jebavy Drive and Bryant Road, Pere Marquette Twp.

10:35 p.m., (MCSO), personal protection order (PPO) violation, report forwarded to the court, 5200 block of West Deren Road, Summit Twp.

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