By Allison Scarbrough. Contributing Editor.
LUDINGTON — The following were arraigned recently in front of the 79th District Court magistrate:

– Robert Harold Routley, 20, of 804 Mitchell St., Ludington, was arrested Aug. 15 by MCSO for a felony of possession with intent to deliver marijuana. Probable cause hearing: Aug. 26 at 1:15 p.m. Bail: $5,000/cash/surety/10 percent cash.

– Valerie Christine Wilson, 52, of 3340 N. Halls Lane, Hamlin Township, was arrested Aug. 15 by the Mason County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) for a felony of resisting/obstructing police and a misdemeanor of drunk and disorderly. Probable cause hearing: Aug. 26 at 1:30 p.m. Bail: $3,500/cash/surety/10 percent cash.
– Ryan James McDonald, 23, of 502 N. Lewis St., Ludington, was arrested Aug. 15 by the Ludington Police Department (LPD) for a misdemeanor of operating while intoxicated. Pretrial: Sept. 21 at 11 a.m. Bail: $2,500/10 percent.
– Ricky Faye Noder, 51, of 20755 200th Ave., Big Rapids, was arrested Aug. 16 by LPD for misdemeanors of operating while intoxicated and reckless driving. Pretrial: Sept. 21 at 11:30 a.m. Bail: $2,500/10 percent.
– Gregory Alexander Jolly, 22, of 3680 E. First St., Custer Township, was arrested Aug. 14 by LPD for a misdemeanor of third-degree retail fraud. Pretrial: Sept. 14 at 1:30 p.m. Bail: $5,000/cash/surety/10 percent.
– Jeffrey Allen Cutler, II, 25, of 1347 Kingsley St., Muskegon, was arrested Aug. 12 by MCSO for misdemeanors of possession of marijuana and driving while license suspended (DWLS). Pretrial: Aug. 31 at 3 p.m. Bail: $3,500/cash/surety/10 percent.
– Kevin Michael Fitzgerald, 31, of 306 ½ E. Loomis St., Ludington, was arrested Aug. 11 by LPD for a misdemeanor of assault and battery. Pretrial: Sept. 14 at 10:45 a.m. Bail: $2,500/cash/surety/10 percent.
– Jason Michael Perrone, 32, of 2265 W. Johnson Rd., Amber Township, was arrested Aug. 10 by MCSO for a misdemeanor of domestic violence. Pretrial: Sept. 21 at 9:45 a.m. Bail: $2,500/personal.