SCOTTVILLE — The Michigan State Police recently conducted speed studies in select areas of Scottville, at the request of Scottville Police Department. Based on the studies, Sgt. Doug Roesler of the MSP Sixth District Traffic Services, made some recommendations for changing speeds.
Roesler recommended that South Main Street from the city limits north to Fifth Street be changed from 30 mph to 45 mph. He also recommended that First Street from Reinberg Avenue west to the curve be increased to 35 mph and then the remainder south to the city limits be increased to 40 mph.
“I commend you for being proactive in establishing realistic speed limits within your city,” Roesler wrote. “Numerous studies have shown, and continue to show, speed limits based on the 85th percentile result in the safest environment for motorists and allow for enforcement efforts to focus on the truly egregious violators.”
Police Chief Don Riley told City Commission, during its meeting Monday, that there are three options: Disregard the speed study recommendations and leave the limits the way they are; adopt the recommendations in their entirety or adopt portions of the recommendations.
The traffic studies were conducted based on requests by citizens at recent city commission meetings.
The city commission took no action Monday, during its regular meeting, on the report.