Hit-and-run crash among MSP activity

August 10, 2015

benedicts_springstead_police2The police news is sponsored by Benedict-Shilander Collision, now located at 5851 W. U.S. 10 behind Family Video; 231-887-1417 and Springstead Law Offices, with locations in Hart and Fremont, 231-873-4022 (Hart), www.springsteadlaw.

PERE MARQUETTE TWP. — A 50-year-old Ludington man was cited for no operator’s license and failure to report an accident Sunday, Aug. 9, at 12:52 p.m. following hit-and-run crash in the 5200 block of W. US-10 near the Big Boy restaurant, according to the Hart post of the Michigan State Police. The suspect was located after leaving the crash scene, police said.

Other MSP activity over the weekend includes:

Friday, Aug. 7, 2015:

– Noon, a 32-year-old Shelby man was arrested on outstanding warrant in Oceana County and was cited for driving while license suspended (DWLS), PM Hwy. near Meisenheimer Rd., Summit Twp. The suspect was lodged in the Oceana County Jail.

– 4:30 p.m., two-car property damage crash, US-10 near Jebavy Dr., PM Twp.

– 6:50 p.m., two-car property damage crash, US-10 near Brye Rd., Amber Twp.

– 7:45 p.m., a 35-year-old Hart man was turned over to the probation department for probation violation, Meijer store, US-10, Amber Twp.

– 10:30 p.m., a subject was cited for no operator’s license, US-10 near Brye Rd., Amber Twp.

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