By Allison Scarbrough. Contributing Editor.
LUDINGTON — The following were sentenced recently in 51st Circuit Court:

– Joshua Lee Joynes, 33, of 211 E. Johnson Rd. Custer Township, pleaded no contest April 15 to receiving and concealing guns. He was sentenced June 16 to a minimum of one year to a maximum of 10 years in a Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) prison; $8,033.69 in restitution; and $198 in fines and costs. Counts of first-degree home invasion; felony firearms; and second-degree home invasion were dismissed. In a separate file, he was found guilty April 15 of receiving and concealing guns. He was sentenced to a minimum of one year to a maximum of 10 years in an MDOC prison; $4,128.88 in restitution; and $198 in fines and costs. One count of felony firearms was dismissed. In a separate file, he pleaded no contest April 16 t second-degree home invasion and felony firearms. He was sentenced to a minimum of one year to a maximum of 15 years in an MDOC prison for Count I and a minimum of two years to a maximum of two years in an MDOC prison for Count II with credit for 112 days served in jail; and $266 in fines and costs. Counts of first-degree home invasion; felony firearms; and using a computer to commit a crime were dismissed. In a separate file, one count of first-degree home invasion was dismissed. Sentences run concurrent in two files and consecutive to the two-year term imposed for the felony firearms conviction.

– Jason Neil MacDonald, 34, of 231 1/2 2nd Ave., Manistee, was found guilty April 10 of breaking and entering a building with intent. He was sentenced June 16 to 330 days in jail with credit for 89 days served; serve five months up front; $1,105.01 in restitution; $598 in fines and costs; and 18 months probation. In a separate file, he was found guilty April 10 of second-offense possession of marijuana and operating under the influence of liquor (OUIL). He was sentenced June 16 to 270 days in jail with credit for 89 days served for count I and 93 days in jail with credit for 89 days served for Count II; serve five months up front/balance to be served at the court’s discretion; driver’s license suspended one year/restricted after 60 days; 18 months probation; and $898 in fines and costs. One count of second-offense driving while license suspended (DWLS) was dismissed. Sentences to run concurrent.

– Christopher Lee Baysinger, 38 of homeless shelter, 1101 S. Madison, Ludington, was found guilty April 29 of delivery/manufacture schedule 4. He was sentenced June 16 to 180 days in jail with credit for 65 days served; serve three months up front/balance to be served at the court’s discretion; driver’s license suspended 180 days/restricted after 30 days; $448 in fines and costs; and one year probation. One count of habitual offender, second conviction, was dismissed.

– Allen Michael Mallison, 27, of 807 E. Melendy St., Ludington, was found guilty April 29 of two counts of first-degree retail fraud. He was sentenced June 16 to one year in jail with credit for 102 days served; serve 10 months front/balance to be served at the court’s discretion; two years probation; and $598 in fines and costs.