Meth case heads to trial

June 9, 2015


By Allison Scarbrough. Contributing Editor.

LUDINGTON — A 23-year-old Ludington man rejected a plea deal Tuesday, June 9, in 51st Circuit Court of nine to 20 years in prison for meth charges, and his case is now headed to trial.

Graham Joseph Crawford was arraigned last April on charges of manufacturing methamphetamine and operating/maintaining a laboratory involving methamphetamine. He is currently lodged in the Mason County Jail on a $50,000 cash bond. Both charges are punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

The plea offer included dismissing the manufacturing meth charge.

His arrest stems from a search warrant in the 200 block of North Harrison Street executed by SSCENT (State, Sheriff’s, Chief’s Enforcement of Narcotics Team) and TNT (Traverse Narcotics Team) last February.

A trial date has not been scheduled.

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