Scottville approves millage, second time around.

May 11, 2015

By Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief.

SCOTTVILLE — City Commission approved the 2015-2016 city budget Monday during a special meeting. The meeting was called because commissioners found discrepancies in the budget during the commissions regular meeting last Monday.

Among those discrepancies was an approximate $12,000 error under the line item of “city hall.”

City Manager Amy Williams said the error was due to the spreadsheet program. She said she had copied and pasted from the previous year’s budget. “The first four line items were not calculating down and that threw off the rest of the spread sheet for the final numbers.”

The city’s three newest commissioners — Ed Haun, Don Pasco and Ann Genson — were the only to ask questions about the budget during Monday’s special meeting.

After initial questions, Commissioner David Johnson made a motion to approve the $646,788 budget. The commissioners were silent for a moment to offer support when newly appointed commissioner Ann Genson stated she had not had a chance to review the budget summary because it wasn’t delivered to her house, per standard procedure.

The commissioners then asked a few more questions, though there was an unsupported motion on the floor. Genson then offered to support the motion. The budget passed 5-1 with Pasco voting against and Commissioner Connie Duncil absent.

The budget also set the 2015-2016 city millage rates which include 16.7 mills in the general fund, 2.6 mills for refuse and 2 mill for the Main Street/Downtown Development Authority.

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