From L-R with their home schools in parenthesis. Kaitlin Dwyer (MCC), Kaitlyn McBride (MCC), Jennifer Harrygers (Hart), Jon Wittlieff (MCC), Nate Strejcek (MCC), Corrine Saunders (LHS), Megan Wild (LHS), Kendra Garten (LHS), Andrea Lambrix (MCC), Keelie Schultz (MCC). 2nd row L-R Diana Giles (Hart), Ana Trejo, Carly Davis (MCC), Ashley Smith, Stephanie Kelly (LHS), April Bratschi (LHS), Brianna Wightman (ASM Tech), Alyssa Campbell (MCC), Autumn Espinoza (WSCC).
Recently, 18 students, enrolled in the West Shore Educational Service District Career and Technical Education Allied Health program and one post-secondary student attending West Shore Community College, competed at the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) State Leadership Conference. The competition took place on April 16 and 17 at the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa. Eight students were state finalists, finishing in the top eight and of those eight, five were medalist (top three).

Students who Medaled from L to R Nathan Strejcek (MCC) Carly Davis (MCC) Jon Wittlieff (MCC), Corine Saunders LHS), Alyssa Campbell (MCC) and Autumn Espinoza(WSCC).
Finalists include:
- 5th Place in Researched Persuasive speaking: Kaitlin Dwyer (Mason County Central)
- 4th Place in CPR/1st Aid: Andrea Lambrix and Keelie Schulz (both MCC)
- 1st Place Gold Medal in Medical Assisting: Alyssa Campbell (MCC)
- 1st Place Gold Medal in CPR/1st Aid: Jon Wittlieff and Carly Davis (both MCC)
- 2nd Place Silver Medal in CPR/1st aid: Nate Strejck (MCC), and Corrine Saunders (Ludington High School)
In addition, one post-secondary student, Autumn Espinozoa, who graduated from LHS last year and currently attends WSCC, finished 1st in Clinical Specialty
The medalist will go on to compete at the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California in June along with approximately 6,000 other students from across America and Puerto Rico.
Additional State Competitors include:
Kaitlyn McBride (MCC): Medical Photography
Brianna Wightman (ASM), Kendra Garten (LHS) and April Bratschi (LHS): Public Service Announcement
Stephanie Kelly, Ashley Smith, and Megan Wild (all LHS): HOSA Quiz Bowl
Jennifer Herrygers (Hart): Physical Therapy
Ana Figueroa (Shelby): Physical Therapy
Diana Giles (Hart): Medical Terminology