Edgar Struble
VICTORY TWP. – Scottville native Edgar Struble will be the distinguished speaker during West Shore Community College’s Student Awards Program, Thursday, April 23.
The Student Awards Program will be held at 7 p.m. in the Center Stage Theater located in the Arts and Sciences Center and the public is invited to attend. A reception will precede the ceremony, beginning at 6:15 p.m.
Faculty will present awards to students who have excelled within a specific discipline, and service awards will also be presented to students who were active in various campus organizations during the 2014-15 academic year.
At the conclusion of the ceremony the college will convey its highest student honors, recognizing the outstanding graduates in liberal arts/sciences and in career and technical education.
Along with students receiving their awards, music director and composer Edgar Struble will address the convocation as the distinguished speaker. Struble attended the college in the 1970s.
Struble was Kenny Rogers’ music director for several years. He now works in a wide range of media, with a primary focus in television and film. He is a successful film producer in association with 10 West Studios, bringing to the big screen “Mickey Matson and the Copperhead Treasure¸” and a second film in that series, “Mickey Matson and the Pirate’s Code.”
Since his days as front man for many regionally popular rhythm & blues bands, Struble retains his zeal for live entertaining. An accomplished and highly versatile vocalist and instrumentalist, he plays acoustic and electronic keyboards, trombone, harmonica, percussion and guitar.
He performs regularly in Los Angeles and other locales and will be traveling to the ceremony from Texas, having just produced the music for the Academy of Country Music Awards. He and is family live in southern California and own a summer home in Ludington.