By Allison Scarbrough. Contributing Editor.
LUDINGTON — The following were sentenced recently in 51st Circuit Court:

– Jonathan Herman Chambers, Jr., 19, of 926 E. Tinkham, Apt. 313, Ludington, was found guilty Jan. 14 of third-degree home invasion. He was sentenced March 10 to 330 days in jail; serve 90 days up front with balance to be served at the court’s discretion; credit for 79 days served; $498 in fines and costs; and two years probation. Restitution is reserved. If probation is successfully completed without any violations, plea may be withdrawn and guilty plea to larceny $200-$1,000 may be entered. One count of third-degree home invasion was dismissed. Related story here
– Ryan Ray Woods, 34, of 1907 Sugar Grove Rd., Ludington, was found guilty Jan. 22 of two counts of assaulting/resisting/obstructing a police officer. He was sentenced March 10 to one year in jail with credit for one day served; serve six months on Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM); two years probation; and $966 in fines and costs. One count of disorderly person and habitual offender, second offense, were dismissed. Related story here
– Rachelle Joyce Fitch, 42, of 5065 Schwass Rd., Scottville, was found guilty Jan. 22 of two counts of controlled substance, possession of a non-narcotic and habitual offender, fourth conviction. She was sentenced March 10 to a minimum of one year and one day to a maximum of 15 years with the Michigan Department of Corrections and $266 in fines and costs. Sentence is to be served consecutively to a parole violation conviction. Two counts additional of controlled substance, possession of a non-narcotic, and one count of possession of marijuana were dismissed. Related story here
– Jeffrey Allen Patterson, 32, of 3763 W. Hidden Forest Dr., Ludington, was found guilty Jan. 22 of sex offender – failure to comply with reporting duties. He was sentenced to one year discretionary jail with credit for one day served; two years probation; must successfully complete 150 days of electronic monitoring; and $498 in fines and costs. One count of sex offender – failure to register and habitual offender, second conviction, were dismissed. Related story here