Running water in city may be cheap insurance, manager says.

March 2, 2015

SCOTTVILLE — The city is not officially calling for residents to run their water, however, it is encouraging residents to run their water if they have a history of freezing lines.

“It’s really cheap insurance,” City Manager Amy Williams said during Monday’s city commission meeting. Williams said the city of Ludington has issued a similar request. Water should be run at a thin pinstripe stream. 

Last year Scottville issued a run water notice to its residents and credited residents for doing so. However, Williams said the purpose behind such notices are the risk of the city’s water mains freezing. Residents are responsible for water and sewer lines from inside their homes to the street.

Williams said there are a few homes on East Third Street that are running water, under cooperation with the city, because the water main there is shallow and has a history of freezing.

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