Arts center to hold stakeholders’ meeting.

February 17, 2015

laca logoLUDINGTON — The Ludington Area Center for the Arts will hold an Arts Stakeholder Meeting on March 12 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss arts programming in Mason County and surrounding areas. Artists, patrons and community members with interests in the arts are invited to express their ideas and concerns about art-related needs in the community.

This is an opportunity for those involved in the arts to identify their interests, engage with others similarly involved, and discuss issues that affect the growth of a healthy and vibrant arts community in the Ludington area. The mission of the arts center is to support arts-related interests, arts education for all age groups and facilitate stakeholder connections through supportive programming.

Stakeholders are arts teachers, visual artists, graphic artists, photographers, musicians, actors, dancers, chefs, folk-artists, writers, crafts persons, public and private institutions, cultural heritage groups, churches and businesses involved in the arts. Stakeholders are also patrons of the arts, LACA members and anyone who would like to become more engaged with arts and culture in the four-county area including Lake, Manistee, Mason and Oceana counties.

  One expected product of the meeting will be a directory of arts stakeholders and their interests, talents, and contact information. A future goal is creating a searchable web-based database of arts stakeholders and related resources.

If you are unable to attend this LACA Arts Stakeholder Meeting – please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas on the LACA Stakeholder Group page by joining the “Ludington Area Center for the Arts Stakeholder Meeting Group” on Facebook or by contacting LACA at or 231-845-2787.

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