Two plead to drug possession charges.

November 12, 2014

By Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief.

LUDINGTON — Two men pleaded guilty on drug possession charges this afternoon in 51st Circuit Court.

Austin Martin Billings, of 212 E. Melendy St., Apt. 3, was initially charged with two felony drug charges following a Sept. 19, 2014 arrest by Ludington Police Dept. Bryan Patrick Lund, 28, of 195 Monroe St., Apt. A, Manistee, was also arrested that evening and charged with two counts possession of non-narcotic with intent to deliver

Billings told the court he was driving east on the one-way Danaher Street about 11:30 p.m. when a vehicle came toward him in the opposite direction. The vehicle was a Ludington police officer. The police officer told Billings that there had been a complaint about someone throwing rocks in the vicinity Emanuel Lutheran Church. Billings said his companion had confessed that he had been throwing stones at a dog near the church.

“He asked if he could search us,” Billings said. “I was on probation and didn’t give him any problems. He reached in my pocket and found a syringe and silver cylinder. He asked me what it was then put me in the back of the car.”

Billings said he was carrying morphine and clonazepam. He was charged with two felony counts of controlled substance possession, each punishable by up to two years in prison. Because he was on probation, he could have faced an additional two years per count.

Mason County Prosecutor Paul Spaniola offered to drop the second count and the repeat offender counts in exchange for one year in the Mason County Jail, spending the first four months up front, along with fines/costs/restitution and probation.

Billings will be sentenced Dec. 16 at 1:45 p.m.

While Billings did not mention Lund by name, Lund was the companion with him. Lund appeared in court later in the afternoon.

Lund acknowledged he was throwing at stones at a skunk but would not throw rocks at a church. Prosecutor Spaniola offered to drop the two counts in exchange for an additional charge of possession of clonazepam, punishable by up to two years in prison. The plea agreement called for serving one year in jail with four months up front. At the end of the third month, Lund has the option to attend a 30-day minimum rehabilitation program. He is scheduled to be sentenced on Dec. 16 as well.

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