Judy Thiel, right center, was honored as one of two volunteers who surpassed 14,000 hours of career service during the past year for Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital. The other top honoree, Doris Lundberg, was not present. Surrounding Judy, from left, are the volunteers honored for 4,000 hours, Sandy Brooks, Rose Ohse, and Sally Ouweneel, and 2,000-hour honorees Linda Hummel and John Wallis (Nadine Lewis, 2,000 hours, was not present). Submitted photo.
HAMLIN TWP. — Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital honored its volunteers at the annual recognition dinner last night at Lincoln Hills Golf Club. Thirty nine volunteers were awarded service pins for surpassing significant milestones of 100 to 14,000 hours of service in their volunteer careers.
Topping the list of honorees, with 14,000 hours each, were Doris Lundberg and Judy Thiel. Thiel is best known for her work as chair of the hospital gift shop, which opened its greatly expanded venue in the hospital’s new main lobby last year. Ludberg has long assisted ambulatory surgery patients, but is also well known for her creative and sometimes whimsical knit caps for newborns.

Apple crisp gifts. Top honoree Judy Thiel accepts her gift basket from hospital staff member Bonnie VanderZanden of Oceana County, who spent a good many hours washing apples and assembling gifts for the 126 hospital volunteers. The baskets also contained ingredients for making apple crisp.
Mark Vipperman, hospital president, and Terri Langerak, volunteer board president, were the principal speakers. Vipperman was joined by Patricia Ezdebski, marketing and volunteer services director, and Alan Neushwander, volunteer coordinator, in awarding the service pins.
Each volunteer received a gift basket of fresh apples and an apple crisp-making kit assembled by the volunteer services staff.
During the past year 126 volunteers devoted 21,473 hours of service in a wide variety of positions, from assisting patients when they arrive and depart to staffing vital functions in all of the hospital’s departments. Department directors joined in honoring the volunteers.
In addition to gift shop sales, the volunteers organize a variety of fundraising activities throughout the year to enhance patient services. They recently presented a second $50,000 check toward their $125,000 pledge to finance the new hospital helistop for emergency transportation and a family consult room in the new emergency department.