Pentwater Service Club members Kevin Dolle and Ron Beeber count the funds contributed by generous Homecoming Parade spectators – almost $3,000.
PENTWATER – “Every little bit helps,” Pentwater Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Eva Gregwer

Amy LaBarge of Pentwater collects funds from one of the many young Homecoming Parade spectators who contributed.
said a week ago in describing how funds were still being raised to pay for this year’s Fourth of July and Homecoming fireworks. And the Pentwater Service Club helped answer the call, fielding a squad of volunteers to “pass the hat” during Saturday’s Homecoming Parade.
Almost $3,000 was collected along the parade route Saturday. That’s about a quarter of the funds needed to pay for Pentwater’s two summertime fireworks displays.
“We estimate that about a thousand parade spectators stepped forward,” said Glenn Beavis of Pentwater, a service club member who was among those collecting funds. “Some even wadded up and tossed currency to us from the balcony of the Brown Bear. That was

Pentwater Service Club members, left o right, Val Valentine, Michele Dolle, Kevin Dolle, Kathy Grohn, Glenn Beavis, Kyle Nelson, Karen Nelson, Bill Maxwell, Judy Dunn, Amy LaBarge, Terry Valenzaro, Jim Howell and Deb Valentine.
really cool.”
“The Service Club doing this is a big, big help,” said Gregwer. We thank all the residents, visitors and local businesses that contributed over the past few months by becoming friends of the chamber; mailing in and dropping off checks at the chamber office; and dropping money into the collection canisters found in Pentwater stores and other businesses.
“It’s really ambitious for our little village to put on two great fireworks shows each summer. Tax dollars just aren’t available, so we have to count on everyone who enjoys the fireworks each summer to choose a way to chip in.”