Stephanie Muralt is president of the Scottville Elementary PTC and one of several volunteers helping with playground improvements.
Funds still needed for more improvements.
By Rob Alway. Editor-in-Chief.
SCOTTVILLE — A group of concerned parents are spearheading some much needed updates to the playground at Scottville Lower Elementary. Over the next three weeks, the playground will take on a different look.
The playground committee of the Scottville Elementary Parent-Teacher Committee has been raising funds the past several years to make improvements to the playground. This summer’s project is part of phase 1, which is costing about $25,000. No tax money is being used at the playground.
“Over the next few weeks we will be moving all of the equipment off of the playground and excavate the ground,” said PTC President Stephanie Muralt. One of the major improvements will be adding improved drainage to the playground. “In the morning, there are up to 300 kids on this playground. When it rains, the clay ground doesn’t soak in the water and it can be up to three days before the kids can be back on the playground. They are then confined to the concrete,” Muralt said. Drain pipes and drain tile will be added throughout the playground and then connected to the city of Scottville storm sewer system.
Americans with Disabilities Act-approved wood chips will then be added around playground equipment.
While some of the old equipment has been removed, a couple new pieces are being added, including a buckabout and new monkey bars.The slide and swings are equipment that will remain but will be relocated.
This summer’s improvements are being done with the help of professionals who are volunteering their time. They include C & D Hughes, Inc., Jesse Petersen and Sons and Pro-Master Carpet Cleaning.
The PTC also received grants from Wal-Mart and Great Lakes Energy. Additional help is being provided by Carter Lumber and Big Apple Bagles.
The committee consists of Stephanie and Jason Muralt, Beth and Dan Adams and Christine and Brad Mckay.
Muralt said other planned phases will include improvements to the basketball court, also known as the Magic Square, fencing around the playground and also replacement of grass on the playground.
Superintendent Jeff Mount said he is very pleased with the efforts and contributions made by the PTC and its volunteers. “This is an outstanding group of people who have stepped up to the plate and are helping to make some positive improvements around the elementariness,” Mount said. “Both elementary playgrounds get used a lot, year round, but the lower elementary playgrounds seems to be the most popular. It will be a great improvement to have better drainage there. It’s frustration to the students when they are restricted to the concrete during wet times.”
Mount said the PTC deserves full credit for the project. “While the board of education and the administration have given its blessing, the PTC has taken ownership on this project.”
Muralt said the PTC has also helped in other areas as well, such as recently purchasing a storage cart for iPads at the Upper Elementary. She said the PTC also plans to purchase more iPads for the school in the next year.
The work on the playground will continue through the first week of August. Muralt said for safety reasons people may want to avoid the playground until work is complete.
She said the PTC is also looking for funds to complete the other phases. Anyone wishing to make a donation may send it to Scottville Elementary PTC, 300 W. Broadway, Scottville, MI 49454 or call Muralt for more information at 231-757-9061.