Triad picnic

June 19, 2013

SCOTTVILLE – The annual Triad picnic will be held Tuesday July 9 at the Western Michigan Old Engine Club grounds at Riverside Park from noon to 2 p.m.

Triad is a cooperative effort between area police chiefs, the sheriff and senior citizens who work together to reduce criminal victimization of the elderly. Triad also serves to enhance the delivery of law enforcement services to older persons.

“A major purpose of Triad is to develop, expand and implement effective crime prevention and educational programs for older community members,” Sheriff Kim Cole said. “Activities center on both preventive and victim/witness assistance. Triad works to improve the quality of life for seniors by providing an opportunity for the exchange of information between law enforcement and older persons.”

Triad is funded by donations.

During the picnic attendees will be able to speak to the Sheriff Cole and Ludington Police Chief Mark Barnett. Various members of the sheriff’s office staff will be in attendance. The sheriff’s K-9 unit, command bus and mounted division will also be there. Music will be provided by Gary Lange and Friends.

Menu includes hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, chips, watermelon, cookies, water and coffee.

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