PERE MARQUETTE TWP. — A charity auction to benefit Coats and Boots for Kids of Mason County will be held Thursday, Dec. 6 at the United Methodist Church of Ludington on Bryant Road. Admission is free but there are a limited number of tickets for entry. Attendees are encouraged to bring rolls of quarters. The event is for ages 13 and over.
Doors open at 4:30 p.m., auction starts at 5:30 p.m. Concessions will be available.
How does a Quarter Auction work??
Your ticket gets you a paddle with a number on it. There will also be a corresponding ball in the bucket with that number on it. The “caller” shows the item up for bid and gives you a brief description and the amount of quarters it will take to bid on it.
Then they say OK, bids in and they pass a bucket down your table. If you want to bid, you throw your quarter(s) in the bucket. If you put a quarter(s) in the bucket, you hold your paddle up. There are balls in a big bucket by the caller with all the paddle numbers in it he’ll reach in and pull out a number. If you’re holding a paddle up with that number on it you win the item.
Open shopping for ticket holders will be one hour prior to the auction and one hour after.
1-Jamberry Nail Shields – Carrie Jorissen (Organizer)
2-Paparazzi Accessories – Tamra Gebhart – (Organizer)
3-Tastefully Simply – Amanda Acosta –
4-Scentsy – Angela Linville 5-Tupperware – Donna Rood –
6-Mary kay – Lisa Kimes
7. Carriedaway Character Hats – Carrie Jorissen
Tickets may be acquired by contacting Carrie Jorissen at carriedaway2011