Englebrecht, Hartrum, Stewart and Cole
Three former Mason County sheriffs have endorsed Kim Cole for sheriff. A letter was recently printed on a Facebook site with two of the sheriffs’ written endorsements.
Bob Englebrecht, Larry Steward and Laude Hartrum have all publicly endorsed Cole.
“In 1985 Kim and I began working together as marine officers at the sheriff’s office,” Hartrum wrote. “Over the next 24 years we shared many experiences, some good, some bad, and others just plain difficult. In all that time I never saw Kim’s optimism, professionalism, or commitment to his community waiver in any way. Through bad times and good he has sacrificed for the safety of others and his fellow deputies. In his role as patrol sergeant I’ve witnessed his ability to pass on his experience and common sense decision making to younger deputies. It’s for these reasons that I’m supporting him in his bid to be Sheriff.
“The men and women of the sheriff’s office deserve a leader who is committed to professionalism, service, and keeping his deputies safe. Kim is such a person.”
Hartrum was defeated in 2008 by current sheriff Jeff Fiers, who was a road deputy. Hartrum then became undersheriff of Isabella County undersheriff and is now Pentwater Police Chief.
“I have known Kim Cole for all of his law enforcement career,” Steward wrote. “The office of sheriff is much more than being a police officer. It involves budgeting skills, management skills, relationships with the courts, plus interaction with local, state and federal offices. The county sheriff is the most visible elected official within county government.
“That’s why, after watching Kim Cole throughout his career and observing his response of the many duties I asked of him over the years, he has always been very professional, understanding of others, and dedicated to his chosen profession.”
Stewart retired as sheriff in 2005.
Englebrecht has also endorsed Cole but not in written form.
On July 2, Cole was endorsed unanimously, with one member abstaining, by the sheriff’s office’s uniformed road patrol and corrections staff.
“This endorsement came as a result of a meeting that was held to discuss what our stance should be in regards to the election,” the endorsement letter stated. “At the conclusion of the meeting, a vote was taken regarding which candidate our group would endorse. The unanimous vote revealed that (Cole has) complete support from us.
“In arriving at that conclusion, current issues within our department were discussed including the limited provision of mandated training which, if offered, would allow us to better serve the public. Equally concerning is the unsafe equipment and the general lack of both leadership and support from our current Sheriff. Please know that the unanimous vote of support for your candidacy was taken in order to demonstrate our united support for you in this very important election. As your colleagues, we recognize the leadership you exemplify in your daily work and feel that under your leadership, our office will work efficiently and effectively to maintain the safety and security in our community.”
Tonight, Cole and Fiers will face off in the second and final local primary candidates’ forum. The forum will include several area candidates, most of which are running next Tuesday’s primary election. It will be held at Ludington City Park beginning at 7 p.m.