Editor’s Note: My vision for this section is to feature different area pastors who will discuss faith. Regularly contributing will be Pastor Henrik Lidman, senior pastor of Prayer and Praise Assembly of God, 509 N. Staffon St., Ludington. For full disclosure, Henrik is my pastor and also one of my best friends. Henrik was born and raised in Sweden. He and his wife, Dawn, live in Ludington along with their three children, Leah, Daniel and David.

Henrik Lidman
mcp.com columnist
What would be a good name for this section of the Mason County Press? A religion page sounds so religious. A faith page sounds so vague and the Jesus page sounds like something on Facebook. So the name remains unknown.
I have a friend who has a t-shirt (I believe it’s an XL) that boldly proclaims: “It is against my relationship to have a religion.” I like that. The whole point is to talk about a relationship with Jesus and the adventure that comes from following Him. Religion can be the very tool that makes me do the motions without knowing Him.
There is a you tube video that has caused a stir up, it challanges the religion and provokes s you to a relationship. I hope that you enjoy it. maybe it will cause you to look at your walk with God as an adventure and a pursuit. maybe that is good name for this section, “In pursuit” or how about “Adventures with God”.
I think I will leave this great task of naming to the editor himself.