Kaleva man arrested for attempted CSC, other charges.

May 17, 2021

Kaleva man arrested for attempted CSC, other charges.

GRANT TOWNSHIP —  A 35-year-old Kalava man found hiding in the bathroom at a residence in the 1500 block of West Countyline Road by Mason County sheriff’s deputies was arrested on charges of attempted criminal sexual conduct (CSC), domestic violence and interfering with a telecommunication device Saturday, May 15, shortly after 4 p.m., according to Mason County Sheriff Kim Cole.

Deputies were called to the residence regarding an active assault. “The caller was a neighbor, who had reported the neighbor’s children had come to the house reporting a fight,” said Sheriff Cole.

Deputies arrived at the scene and learned an assault had taken place.

An investigation led to deputies arresting the man. The evidence gathered included physical injuries to the victim and witness statements. It was reported by the victim the assault had taken place “over several hours,” Cole said. 

The victim and suspect had been in a dating relationship, and the suspect remains lodged in the Mason County Jail.

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