Ludington Fifth Ward councilor seat votes to be recounted.

December 2, 2020

Ludington Fifth Ward councilor seat votes to be recounted.

LUDINGTON — The Mason County Canvass Board will meet Friday, Dec. 11 at 9 a.m. in the basement classroom of the Ludington Municipal Complex, 400 S. Harrison St., to recount the votes of the City of Ludington’s fifth ward councilor race. Unofficial results from the Nov. 3 election were Wally Cain with 267 votes and incumbent Angela Serna with 266.

In 2018, Serna and Cain also had a close election. During a recount, Serna won 243-239. Serna was recently reprimanded by her fellow councilors after telling Mayor Steve Miller to “f-off” during a public meeting.

The Mason County Clerk’s office has “highly suggested” that due to COVID-19 that participants wear a face covering and social distance during the recount, however, those practices are not required by law.

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