Downtown Scottville to return to 45-degree parking angle.

April 16, 2018

Downtown Scottville to return to 45-degree parking angle.


By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

SCOTTVILLE — The City Commission voted Monday during its regular meeting to restore the downtown parking to 45-degree angles. City Manager Amy Williams, at the request of the Commission, asked an engineer to review the 100 block of South Main Street.

 In 2011 the streetscape was rebuilt through funds from the Downtown Development Authority. As part of the design, the angle of parking was changed by the contractors who worked on the street, making it difficult for larger vehicles to park without the rear of the vehicle extending into the street. Since, the parking issue has been a matter of controversy and has produced many complaints at City Hall. 

On Monday, April 16, commissioners voted unanimously to restore the parking. City Manager Amy Williams said bids will go out this summer for the project, which will be funded through the city’s major streets fund.

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